Monday, 14 February 2011

Wildernesse woods Recce Group

What is the point of a recce?
  • The point of the recce is too gaining an insight into a certain location, try to gain some ideas you can use whilst filming and to see if there are any serious risks to consider. It also gave us a good experience of working with the cameras.
What did you learn about the process of filmmaking on the recce?
  • We learnt that with certain shots you need to shoot more takes in order to create the effect you are looking for as often there is a human error involved. Furthermore considering natural light and the gradient of the terrain the tripod is standing on can make filming harder, so the positioning of the tripods legs is important.
Did you try out any shots that didn't work?
  • We tried to film an action shot of Timo completing pull-ups on a climbing frame in the play ground however the shot did not flow properly and seemed very unrealistic as ideally we would have liked an indoor location.
  • The only other problem we faced was keeping the camera still whilst filming, even when the camera was on the tripod often the shot gave a feeling of a handy cam because he camera exaggerates any slight movement.
What ideas were the most successful?
  • The tracking shot of Jack running down the path in the woods was the most successful shot we filmed. His committed acting allowed us to gain an authentic shot, furthermore when the camera panned right filming Jack it allowed us to merge it with another shot using continuity editing.
  • How did this exercise generate ideas for your opening?
  •  The panning up shot of Jack revealing his character slowly gave us the idea of how to generate a characters introduction without revealing to much of their personality and characteristics, creating a feeling of mystery amongst the audience.
The POV shot running down the hill allowed us to gain a good insight into what our POV shot of either running through an industrial environment would look like or the gloves coming out hitting the speed bag or the heavy bag.

What will you do next in terms of your own locations?
Next we are going to go to Sevenoaks Amateur Boxing gym to have a look weather it would be suitable to film the opening to our film there to give us an idea of shooting through the ring ropes and looking at props we could use.

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