Thursday, 3 February 2011

LF:Film Opening Analysis 1: Ali

Ali is a biography of Mohammed Ali, however it also fits into the genre of sport, the audiences generic expectations of the text are fulfilled because certain aspects of iconography are present within the opening scene that the audience would automatically label a boxing film with. For instance the speed bag and the skipping rope. The opening shot is Mohammed Ali jogging down the street a vital part of boxing and through the use of mise-en-scene the audience can paint a basic image of the background and environment Ali grew up in, the run down industrial setting is a typical environment you would expect boxers to emerge from.
We can also learn a lot about Ali through his non verbal language first of all his costume evokes a certain thuggish element to his personality as he is wearing a full tracksuit with his hood up some audiences may interpret him as providing an aggressive image. Furthermore towards the end of the opening there is a scene of Malcolm X delivering a speech to Ali and through his dialogue you can learn how he is trying to gain equal rights for Black people in America a vital part in the history of the country.

Throughout the opening scene the audience is most definitely positioned with Mohammed Ali the close ups of Ali’s face allow the audience to appreciate the concentration on his face. In addition when Ali is listening to the speech delivered by Malcolm X the audience is allowed to for see how religion had such a hue impact on Ali’s life and he is driving the narrative however the audience position changes when there is a piece of montage editing. The audience is then positioned with another boxer allowing the audience to think about possible contenders for the title. There is very 
 dialogue within the first two minutes of the scene the only sound is non digetic music played at a live concert. The music has a major key and has an uplifting affect on the audiences viewing.

The major themes in the narrative include:

  • ·      Boxing is the major theme within the opening sequence showing a young Black boy striving for greatness in a business that is very unforgiving.

  • ·      The discrimination black people faced during the 1960’s in America when the police assume Ali is running for some other reason apart from boxing. This enhances the stereotypical view that young Black people in society or are often involved with crime-based activities.

  • ·      Ali’s fiercest competitors Sonny Liston who at the time is the current world heavy weight champion, there is a short clip of him putting another fighter down showing his skill and physical strength in the ring.

  • ·      The powerful effect reigion and public speakers can have on peoples lives as Mohammed Ali looks up too Malcolm X almost as a father like figure.
The target audience for this film would typically be boxing fans, however
seen, as Mohammed Ali was such a famous iconic figure many people would go and see the film to gain an insight into his life and how he affected so many people.

My original reading of the text as a young British male would be to see Mohammed Ali’s dedication to the world of boxing and to appreciate his true talent. However I feel you are also exposed to deeper issues throughout the narrative such as the discrimination he faced whilst he was in his prime and how he searched for a way of dealing with such issues therefore turned to Islam.

Will Smith stars as Mohammed Ali and I feel as though it is very important they have an athletic big name star to play the main role of Ali. First of all Mohammed Ali is one of the greatest sportsman of all time therefore I believe if they want the film to appeal and touch as many people as possible the use of big star names is crucial.

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