Wednesday, 6 April 2011

JI: Final week!

We have reached the final week of our film opening production. This final week we have been spending every spare moment of our time within the editing rooms trying to get everything to its final product.

Within the last few days we have been putting all our footage down and playing around with it to get the transitions and all the editing fine tuned, which we now feel it is at now.

Yesterday we focused on the voice over, done by myself, and the non-digetic music we would be using in our opening. We wrote our script up while watching our footage to make sure the dialogue would correspond well along side the footage. We went into the sound booth to record our dialogue, however when we first recorded the voice over we had a few problems due to the dictaphone being to close to my mouth, and found there were some interferences within it, such as breathing. So that was something we had to consider the second time, however when we done it the second time it went well, and we have now uploaded it onto our edited footage, and it fits into the opening well.

With the music we had a look at a few previous examples that had been used in similar genres such as 'Eye of the Tiger' in Rocky.

We realised they all used quite up tempo beats to get across the fast pace aspect of the sport and the hard training. We liked this however we wanted to add another aspect into the music with a more classical song to represent the beauty of the sport. After looking through the sound mix CD we finally found two tracks which we felt worked great. Both fitted our initial idea, one being an up beat track and the other being more classical. We have used these at different points of our opening to show the contrast, and faded them in together which have worked really well.

These last two days will be doing the final touch ups to our opening and hopefully making it look the best it possibly can.

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