Wednesday, 19 January 2011

LF:Genre Research: The Dark Knight- Thriller

Director: Christopher Nolan
Genre: Crime, Thriller

  • As soon as the clip begins the protagonists are established through the use of costume. The masks create a sense of insecurity for the audience and immediately create some thought patterns. Furthermore the audience is then positioned with the villains and there is an emphasis put on makeup. I feel if we were to make a thriller makeup could become very effective as it can be used to hide someone’s identity increasing tension.
  • The music used throughout the scene increases tension and adds a certain aspect of excitement, when the first robber gets shot the beat picks up and so does the rate of editing.

  • The location used is a classic bank robbery; however there are certain twists throughout the plot elaborating on the joker’s wicked ways. For instance they are all smartly dressed in an unusual purple suit which suggests that the joker is bordering on insane. As the clip progresses through the use of dialogue the audience can interpret the joker’s ability to manipulate peoples. If we can use a similar effect and spend a lot of time thinking about the script I feel we can create an image of a stereo typical villain on how he can use other people to do the dirty work.

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